Laughter Quotes

And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter and the sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.
Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
Beware of too much laughter, for it deadens the mind and produces oblivion.
The Talmud
Victor borge - laughter is the closest distance between two...
Henry mille - one has to be a lowbrow, a bit of a murderer, to...
Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything.
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
What makes life worth living To be born with the gift of laughter and sense that the world is mad.
I always knew i would look back on my tears and laugh but i never tought i would look back on the laughter and cry.
What was significant about the laughter... was not just the fact that it provides internal exercise for a person... a form of jogging for the innards, but that it creates a mood in which the other positive emotions can be put to work, too.
Norman Cousins
The laughter of a man is the contentment of God.
John Weiss
You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything - - Even poverty - - You can survive it.
Bill Cosby
From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it.
Julius Henry Marx
Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth, And danced the skies on laughter - Silvered wings.
John Gillespie Magee
Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship; and it is by far the best ending for one.
Oscar Wilde
Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand.
Mark Twain
Laughter is the best form of medicine. For when we laugh, we neither think, grieve, or feel.
Eugene Lam
Pigs get fat hogs get slaughtered.
Nobody ever died of laughter.
Max Beerbohm
The tears that you spill, the sorrowful, are sweeter than the laughter of snobs and the guffaws of scoffers.
Kahlil Gibran
The person who can bring the spirit of laughter into a room is indeed blessed.
Bennett Alfred Cerf
Seven days without laughter makes one weak.
Mort Walke
Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods.
Albert Einstein
Laughter is nothing else but a sudden glory arising from some sudden conception of some eminency in ourselves, by comparison with the infirmity of others, or with our own formerly.
Thomas Hobbes
Humanity has unquestionably one really effective weapon? laughter. Power, money, persuasion, supplication, persecution? these can lift at a colossal humbug? push it a little? weaken it a little, century by century; but only laughter can blow it to rags and atoms at a blast. Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.
Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger, chapter 10 (1916)
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
E e cummings
May your walls know joy May every room hold laughter and every window open to great possibility.
Maryanne Radmacher - Hershey
I was irrevocably betrothed to laughter, the sound of which has always seemed to me to be the most civilised music in the world.
Peter Ustinov
Laughter is inner jogging.
Norman Cousins
Laughter is by definition healthy.
Doris Lessing
Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one.
Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire
The truth is, laughter always sounds more perfect than weeping. Laughter flows in a violent riff and is effortlessly melodic. Weeping is often fought, choked, half strangled, or surrendered to with humiliation.
Anne Rice
Laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God.
Karl Barth
Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on.
Bob Newhart
Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
Victor Hugo
Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.
Kurt Vonnegut
The essence of all jokes, of all comedy, seems to be an honest or well intended halfness; a non performance of that which is pretended to be performed, at the same time that one is giving loud pledges of performance. The balking of the intellect, is comedy and it announces itself in the pleasant spasms we call laughter.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Laughter is complete rapture vocalized.
Allison Kearney
If its sanity you are after there is no recipe like laughter.
Henry Elliot
Laughter is an instant vacation.
Milton Berle
The man who backbites an absent friend, nay, who does not stand up for him when another blames him, the man who angles for bursts of laughter and for the repute of a wit, who can invent what he never saw, who cannot keep a secret - That man is black at heart mark and avoid him.
I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge That myth is more potent than history That dreams are more powerful than facts That hope always triumphs over experience That laughter is the only cure for grief And I believe that love is stronger than death.