Language Quotes

Language is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone.
Mark Twain
Sick I am of idle words, past all reconciling, Words that weary and perplex and pander and conceal, Wake the sounds that cannot lie, for all their sweet beguiling The language one need fathom not, but only hear and feel.
George Du Maurie
Duty then is the sublimest word in the English language. You should do your duty in all things. You can never do more, you should never wish to do less.
General Robert E. Lee
To hate a man because he was born in another country, because he speaks a different language, or because he takes a different view of this subject or that, is a great folly. Desist, I implore you, for we are all equally human... Let us have but one end in view, the welfare of humanity.
John Comenius
No one has a finer command of language than the person who keeps his mouth shut.
Sam Rayburn
The English language has a deceptive air of simplicity so have some little frocks but they are both not the kind of thing you can run up in half an hour with a machine.
Dorothy L. Sayers
It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to.... The feeling for the things themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for pictures.
Vincent Van Gogh
Henry david thoreau - we are armed with language adequate to describe...
Christopher fry - poetry is the language in which man explores his...
Works of imagination should be written in very plain language; the more purely imaginative they are the more necessary it is to be plain.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Own only what you can carry with you know language, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
James earl jones - when i read great literature, great drama,...
Ours is the age of substitutes instead of language, we have jargon instead of principles, slogans and instead of genuine ideas, bright ideas.
Eric Bentley
Language is the armory of the human mind, and at once contains the trophies of its past and the weapons of its future conquests.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
A man who does not know foreign language is ignorant of his own.
Johann von Goethe
We are a spectacular, splendid manifestation of life. We have language.... We have affection We have genes for usefulness, and usefulness is about as close to a common goal of nature as I can guess at. And finally, and perhaps best of all, we have music.
Lewis Thomas, The Medusa and the Snail (1979)
They have been at a great feast of languages, and stolen the scraps.
William Shakespeare
As was his language so was his life.
High thoughts must have high language.
Aristophanes, Frogs, 405 B. C.
When thoughts fails of words, they find imagination waiting at their elbow to teach a new language without words.
Author Unknown
How smooth must be the language of the whites, when they can make right look like wrong, and wrong like right.
Black Hawk
Thought is the blossom language the bud action the fruit behind it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Do Not Disturb signs should be written in the language of the hotel maids.
Tim Bedore
For the unquiet heart and brain, A use in measured language lies.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Poetry cannot be translated; and, therefore, it is the poets that preserve the languages; for we would not be at the trouble to learn a language if we could have all that is written in it just as well in a translation. But as the beauties of poetry cannot be preserved in any language except that in which it was originally written, we learn the language.
Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.
George Orwell
The human language is like a cracked kettle on which we beat out a tune for a dancing bear, when we hope with our music to move the stars.
Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary
To attempt to be religious without practicing a specific religion is as possible as attempting to speak without a specific language.
George Santayana
If the English language made any sense, a catastrophe would be an apostrophe with fur.
Doug Larson
The leader has to be practical and a realist, yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist.
Eric Hoffe
Life is a foreign language all men mispronounce it.
Christopher Morley
Every quotation contributes something to the stability or enlargement of the language.
Samuel Johnson
Would I had phrases that are not known, utterances that are strange, in new language that has not been used, free from repetition, not an utterance which has grown stale, which men of old have spoken.
Egyptian Inscription Recorded at the Time of the Invention of Writing
Perl - The only language that looks the same before and after RSA encryption.
Keith Bostic
English is the easiest language to speak badly.
George Bernhard Shaw
Works of imagination should be written in very plain language the more purely imaginative they are the more necessary it is to be plain.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Language is the picture and counterpart of thought.
Mark Hopkins, The Forbes Book of Business Quotations
The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand.
Lewis Thomas
BASIC - A programming language. Related to certain social diseases in that those who have it will not admit it in polite company.
Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.
Oliver Wendell Holmes